Nearest Points of InterestDiscount Village McArthurGlen2.5 kmSmart Park Athens2.7 kmAttica Zoological Park3 km Nearest AirportEleftherios Venizelos Airport8.9 km Nearest portRafina Port12 km Nearest Exhibition CenterMetropolitan expo 12 kmMediterranean Exhibition Centre8 km Top Points of InterestBadminton Theater10.6 kmAthens Concert Hall12.7 kmNicolas P. Goulandris Foundation – Museum of Cycladic Art 13.7 km Acropolis15.1 km Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας! Please contact us, regarding any information about your stay at Mikelina Boutique Hotel Ring | +30 210 6666675 Write | Υποβολή